Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Military Style

Military jackets are everywhere now days. Every time I see one I either think of Michael Jackson or my high school band. These jackets usually come decorated with metallic or shiny buttons, shoulder pads and a tab over detail. This is a trendy item and I tend to not spend much on trend items below I have chosen a few on the frugal side and the more costly side as well. So, take your pick..

This is a perfect jacket to wear with just jeans and a T-Shirt for a effortless chic look.

Style, via Tia


  1. great blog! i have a hard time really getting into the military jacket trend - probably b/c they make me think of MJ too, but some of these are pretty cute options!

  2. LOVE military jackets! I'm currently searching for one in an olive green hue!! :)

  3. I love them...but would most def go for a budget version since their uber trendy. The F21 number is adorable!


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