Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Renew You with Drew - Face Time

Why it is important to get facial treatments?

Hello ladies,

Today let’s talk about facial treatments. As an esthetician, I always advise my clients to be consistent in getting facial treatments by being treated at least every 4 to 6 weeks. The reason for this is because in most cases your at home skin regimen is not enough. A skin professional like myself can assist you in treating your skin by giving a thorough deep cleansing with the removal of clogged pores if needed. There are many different facial treatments that you can choose depending where you go. Your challenge is to find what's best for your skin.

The basic steps you should look for in your facial treatment are cleansing, exfoliation, extractions of comedones or milia (blackheads or whiteheads), masking, and last hydrating the skin with the appropriate moisturizer for your skin type. After your treatment, your skin should look and feel soft, hydrated and clean. These steps are great for those who are new to getting professional facial treatments. For those who do go regularly, you can certainly get upgraded or targeted type treatments that focus on specific concerns like hyper pigmentation or anti-aging. Remember that your skin concerns didn't happen overnight, it happened over a period of time. By being consistent in your treatments at home and with your esthetician, you will certainly get the results to a more beautiful you. So ladies this month I challenge you to do something different for your skin and get a treatment. Find a spa that will suit your needs and remember Embrace Your Face.

Renew You With Drew

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